Thursday, August 23, 2007

Do you feel fall?

I think I feel fall. But, I think it is just an arctic breeze. I think this shift in winds will bring a surge of creativity. I am printing, drawing, thinking, and trying to be breathing. Are you ready to share in this new shift, the slow transition from summer to fall. Welcome all and all's friends to FEEDBACK next week THURSDAY AUGUST 30TH. 6:30-7:30 snacks and then feedback. bring stuff you made or words + works that inspire you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The second feedback gathering

(Agnes Martin painting)
Emily came over and we opened a bottle of white wine and cooled it down with some ice cubes. Pamela and Annalise arrived and we ate red and orange beets, yellow tomatoes, green basil, and purple potatoes. It was definitely a colorful night of sharing. Pamela brought a journal shes been drawing inspiration from. Annalise brought a slide of photos and news that she is starting school at ICP. Emily shared a story from the subway. I was just babbling. Thank you so much for making Feedback grow. Hopefully we will see each other soon, with other feedbackers. Annalise mentioned holding another gathering next Tuesday at 7pm, opening up her home to Feedback. Further details soon.
Feel free to post anything and leave comments. Please.